2SK3399 ,SWITCHING REGULATOR APPLICATIONSApplicationsUnit in mm. Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (0N) = 0.54 n (typ). High forward trana ..
2SK3402 ,Nch power MOS FET
2SK3403 ,Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (pi-MOSV) Switching Regulator ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm Low drain-source ON resistance: R = 0.29 Ω (typ.) DS (ON) High forward ..
2SK3405-ZK ,Power MOS FETFEATURES• 4.5-V drive available• Low on-state resistanceRDS(on)1 = 9.0 mΩ MAX. (VGS = 10 V, ID = 24 ..
39522-1012 , 5.00mm (.197") Pitch Eurostyle™ Horizontal PCB Header, 12 Circuits
39VF040 , 512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
39VF040 , 512 Kbit / 1 Mbit / 2 Mbit / 4 Mbit (x8) Multi-Purpose Flash
3B16-01 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 3 Hz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning Modulefeatures two simultaneous outputs, the voltage output can be Torque Transducers, Frequency Transduc ..
3B18-00 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 20 kHz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning ModuleGENERAL DESCRIPTION both voltage and current outputs. The 3B18 is a wideband (20kHz) single-channe ..
3B18-01 ,Non-Isolated Strain Gage Input; 20 kHz Bandwidth Signal Conditioning Modulefeatures two simultaneous outputs, the voltage output can be without the inherent noise, non-linear ..
TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (rt-MOSV)
TENTATIVE 2 S K 3 3 9 9
Switching Regulator Applications
. Low drain-source ON resistance: RDS (0N) = 0.54 tt (typ)
. High forward transfer'admittance: Mal = 6.2 S (typ)
. Low leakage current: IDSS = 100 pA (max) (VDSS = 600 V)
. Enhancement-model: Vth = 3.0-6.0 V (VDS = 10 v, ID = 1 mA)
Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit
Drain-source voltage Voss 600 V . . .
Drain-gate voltage (Resazo kn) VDtyt 600 v 3 4 j , 5 . 2
Gate-source voltage Kass A30 V - ....' -- - 5 ,
Drain current D A 2. DRAIN (HEAT SINK) 3
Pulse lop 40 ' 3. SOURCE
Drain power dissipation tre a 25'C) Po 100 W JEDEC --
Single pulse avalanche energy (Note2) EAS 363 md JEIT A -
Avalanche current I 10 A
. . , AR TOSHIBA 2-10313
Repetitive avatanche energy (Nole1) EAR 10 md
Channel temperature Ta. 150 'C TO‘ZZOSM Unit in mm
Storage temperature range Tsig -55~150 "C
Thermal Characteristics
Characteristics Symbol Max Unit
Thermal resistance. channel to case Re, tttre) 1.25 'CIW
Thermal rttslstanee, channel to ambient Re, (dye) 83.3 "CIW
Note1: Repetitive rating: pulse width limited by max Junction temperature.
Note2: VDD = 90 V, Tch = 25'C (initial), L = 6.36 mH,
RG=259, IAR=10A
This transistor is an electrostatic sensitive device.
Please handle with caution. i.' DRAIN (HEAT SINK)
TOSHIBA 2-10828
Weight l 1.5 g
1rt(MBlyillllitiuh t 2SK3399
Electrical Characteristics (Ta T.r.. 25''C) T E N T AT I V E
Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Gate leakage current less V55 = S25 V. Vos = 0 V -.... - 110 PA
Gate-source breakdown voltage V(BR) GSS 1.3 = 1:10 PA, V05 = O V A30 - L... v
Drain cut-off current loss VDs = 600 V. Vas = 0 V - - 100 PA
Drain-source breakdown voltage V (BR) DSS ID = 10 mA, vss = 0 V 600 - - V
Gate threshold voltage Vm Vps = 10 V. ID = 1 mA 3.0 - 5.0 V
Drain-source ON resistance Ros (ON) VGS = 10 V. ID = 5 A - 0.54 0.75 Q
Forward transfer admittance Msl VDs = 10 V, ID = 5 A 2.0 5.2 - s
Input capacitance ass - 1750 -
Reverse transfer capacitance Crss V03 = 25 V. VGs = 0 V, f: 1 MHz - 11 - pF
Output capacitance Cass - 170 -
10 V ID = 5 A - ....-.
Rise time tr V G s IL VOUT 15 '
Tum-on time - 40 -
. . . ton a RL = 40 n
Switching time St ns
Fall time tt - 8 -
VIN.' tr, tt < 5 ns VDD = 200 V
Tum-off time tott Duty s. 1%, tw = 10 us - 35 -
Total gate char tt
(Gate-source 'ge, gate-drain) tug - 35 -
Gate-source charge 093 VDD = 400 V, VGS = 10 V, ID = 10 A - 15 - nC
Gate-draln (''MillerO charge Ati - 20 -
Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics (Ta = 25''C)
Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Continuous drain reverse current IDR - - - 10 A
Pulse drain reverse current IDRp - ....... -- 40 A
Diode forward voltage VDSF IDR = 10 A, VGS = 0 V - - -1.7 V
Reverse recovery time tn IDR = 10 A, VGs = 0 V. - 1300 -.. ns
Reverse recovery charge thr dloR/dt = 100 Alps - 16 -- IIC
'ij" X Lot Number
K3399 f---- Type
I I Cl- Month (starting from alphabetA)
U U Year (last number of the christian era)
Drain current In (A)
Drain current In (A)
Fomardtransferadmmance lstl (S)
Cormacn source
Te " 25'C
lo - Vos
Draln current In (A)
8 ,‘o tt
Drain-soume voltage V03 .M
ID - Vcs
DraIn-sourcevoltage Vps (V)
8 10 0
Gate-source voltage V65 M
, 3 10
Drain current In (A)
Ros (ON) (0)
Drain-source ON resistance
30 100 . 1
Te I 25°C
10 20 30 40 so
Draitt-aourtat voltage VDs M
Vos - VGS
Common source
Te " 25'c
4 8 12 16 20
Gate-source voltage VGS M
Ros (ON) - ID
10 100
Drain current In (A)
Ros (ON) - Tc
Common soutca
vas . 10 v
't g.. 1
i', 9,
-80 MO o 40 so 120 160
Case temperature Te CC)
Capacitance - Vos
, Common .00!“
' Vcs " 0 V
t. , MHz
Tc " 2S"C
tht 0.3 , 3 " 30 too 500
Drain-source voltage vos M
Po - Te
3 ac N.
o 40 so 120 160 200
Case temperature Tc CC)
Gate threshold voltage V", (V) Drain reverse current Ian (A)
Drain-soume voitage Vos (V)
Ion - Vos
Comma sourco
Tc " 21VC
‘o Ar.2 AM AM -o.a -1 -1.2
Draln-sourca voltage Vos M
Va, - Tc
Common souroo
-80 -40 0 40 80 120 160
Case temperature Te CC)
Dynamic input/output characteristics
Common source
In .10 A
To " 25'c
Galemuroe voltage V53 (V)
20 30 40 50
Tolalgate charge tug (n0)
Drain current In (A)
Noanalized transient thermal impedance
rm (”Rm (ch—c)
10 u 100 u 1m
Pulse width (w (s)
Safe operating area
lo max
Tc " 25'C
. Single nonmpou'live pulse
Te . 25'C
Curves must tm aerated
"heady with Increase In
3 1O 30 100 300 1000
Drain-source voltage VDS (V)
Avalanche energy EAs (mJ)
'tsal. ;_J_L
Ru. (ape) . 1.25‘GIW
100m t 10
EAS - Tch
25 50 " 100 es 150
Channeltemperature (initial) Tch ('C)
16V fl. '51
-15 v ,
Test circuit Wave form
Rg=259 EAS='1"'L"2‘ BVDS§
Von = 90 v, L = 6.36 mH 2 Bvoss - VDD
T'ti9(BlyllllEuh ' 2SK3399
. TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor
devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical
stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products. to comply with the standards of
safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of
such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.
In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as
set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and
conditions set forth In the 'Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices," or "TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability
Handbook" etc..
o The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications
_ (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances,
etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires
extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or
bodily injury ("Unintended Usage''). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or
spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, ttaffitr signal Instruments, combustion control instruments,
medical instruments. all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this
document shall be made at the customer's own risk.
o The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No
responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other
rights of the third parties which may result from Its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under
any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.
. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.