2SJ187 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C unitDrain to Source Voltage Vnss - 30 VGate to Source Voltage K ..
2SJ188 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsFeatures. Low ON resistance. Very high-speed switching. Low-voltage driveDrain to Source VoltageGat ..
2SJ188 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°CVDSSKassInIm,PDTeh _Tstg
2SJ189 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°CDrain to Source VoltageGate to Source VoltageDrain Currept (DC ..
2SJ190 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25"C unitDrain to Source Voltage VDSS - 60 VGate to Source Voltage ..
2SJ191 ,Very High-Speed Switching ApplicationsOrdering number: EN 3764A2SJ191P-Channel MOS Silicon FETVery High-Speed Switching Applications
3300A , Monolithic Common Drain N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench
3300A , Monolithic Common Drain N-Channel 2.5V Specified PowerTrench
3302F , 200 V - 1,000 V Three Phase Bridge 9.0 A - 10.0 A Forward Current 70 ns - 3000 ns Recovery Time
3313J-1-103E , 3313 - 3 mm Trimpot® Trimming Potentiometer
3313J-1-103E , 3313 - 3 mm Trimpot® Trimming Potentiometer
3313J-1-502E , Trimpot Trimming Potentiometer Plastic housing for RF applications