2SD1722 ,NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 50V/5A Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating UniCV ollector-to-Bas ..
2SD1729 ,SILICON PNP TRIPLE DIFFUSED PLANAR TYPE HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION OUTPUTAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Tc=25°C) IItem Symbol Value Unit etCollector-base voltage Vcao 1500 V (iC ..
2SD1733 TL Q , Power Transistor (80V, 1A)
2SD1733 TL Q , Power Transistor (80V, 1A)
2SD1733.TLQ , Power Transistor (80V, 1A)
2SD1733TLQ , Power Transistor (80V, 1A)
30PDA60 , DIODE - 3A 600V TJ = 150C
30TPS12 ,1200V 20A Phase Control SCR in a TO-247AC packageFeaturesThe 30TPS.. SAFEIR series of silicon controlledrectifiers are specifically designed for med ..
30TPS16 ,PHASE CONTROL SCRFeaturesThe 30TPS.. SAFEIR series of silicon controlledrectifiers are specifically designed for med ..
30WQ03FN ,30V 3.5A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageBulletin PD-20559 rev. E 03/0330WQ03FNSCHOTTKY RECTIFIER 3.5 AmpD-Pak (TO-252AA)Major Ratings ..
30WQ03FN ,30V 3.5A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageapplications requiring low forward drop andsmall foot prints on PC board. Typical
30WQ03FNTR ,30V 3.5A Schottky Discrete Diode in a D-Pak packageapplications are in diskI Rectangular 3.5 AF(AV) drives, switching power supplies, converters, free ..