2SD1417 ,Silicon NPN Power Transistors TO-220Fa package
2SD1419 , Low frequency power amplifier Collector to base voltage VCBO 120 V
2SD1419DETL-E , Silicon NPN Epitaxial
2SD1419DETL-E , Silicon NPN Epitaxial
2SD1419DETL-E , Silicon NPN Epitaxial
2SD1423 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit2SD1423 V I ..
305UR160 ,Standard recovery diodeapplicationsMajor Ratings and Characteristics301U(R)Parameters Units80 to 200 250I 330 300 AF(AV)@ ..
30700-1080 , 2.54mm (.100") Pitch, 0.64mm (.025") Width H-DAC 64™ High Density AutomotiveConnectors, Dual Row, Female Harness Assembly, 8 Circuits, Polarization Option 1Gray
30700-1120 , 2.54mm (.100") Pitch, 0.64mm (.025") Width H-DAC 64™ High Density AutomotiveConnectors, Dual Row, Female Harness Assembly, 12 Circuits, Polarization OptioGrayn
30A ,SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERFeaturesThe 22GQ100 Schottky rectifier has been expresslydesigned to meet the rigorous requirements ..
30A02CH ,Bipolar Transistor, -30V, -0.7A, Low VCE(sat) PNP Single CPH3Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitCollector-to-Base Voltag ..
30A02CH ,Bipolar Transistor, -30V, -0.7A, Low VCE(sat) PNP Single CPH3Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CParameter Symbol Conditions Ratings UnitCollector-to-Base Voltage V --30 ..
Silicon NPN Power Transistors TO-220Fa package
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