2SA1471 ,PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 60V/10A High-Speed Switching ApplicationsOrdering number:EN2001APNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SA1471/2SC374860V/10A High-Spee ..
2SA1474 ,Very High-Definition CRT Display, Video Output ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°CCollector-to-Base Voltage VCBOCo11etstorutouhaiteer Voltage VCEO ..
2SA1477 ,PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 160V/140mA Switching ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating UniCV ollector-to-Bas ..
2SA1480 ,PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors High-Definiton CRT Display Video Output ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating UniCV ollector-to-Bas ..
2SA1480 ,PNP Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors High-Definiton CRT Display Video Output ApplicationsFeatures Package Dimensions · High breakdown voltage (V ‡ 300V).unit:mmCEO · Small reverse transfer ..
2SA1483 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) High Frequency Amplifier Applications Video Amplifier Applications High Speed SwitcHing ApplicationsApplications High transition frequency: f = 200 MHz (typ.) T Low collector output capacitanc ..
2SC4210 ,Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Audio Power Amplifier ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm High DC current gain: h = 100~320 FE Complementary to 2SA1621 Maximum ..
2SC4213 ,Transistor Silicon NPN Epitaxial Type (PCT process) For Muting and Switching ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm High emitter-base voltage: V = 25 V (min) EBO High reverse h : Reverse ..
2SC4213A , For Muting and Switching Applications
2SC4213-A , For Muting and Switching Applications
2SC4213-B , For Muting and Switching Applications
2SC4214 ,Transistor Silicon NPN Planar Type UHF TV Tuner RF Amplifier ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm Low noise figure: NF = 2.8dB (typ.) High power gain V = 4.5 V: G = 15 ..