2SA1202 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Power Amplifier Applications Voltage Amplifier ApplicationsApplications Suitable for driver of 30 to 35 watts audio amplifier Small flat package P ..
2SA1203 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Audio Frequency Amplifier ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm Suitable for output stage of 3 watts amplifier Small flat package ..
2SA1204 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Audio Frequency Amplifier ApplicationsApplications Unit: mm High DC current gain: h = 100 to 320 FE Suitable for output stage of ..
2SA1204 ,Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Audio Frequency Amplifier Applications2SA1204 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) 2SA1204 Audio Frequency Amp ..
2SA1204-Y , Audio Frequency Amplifier Applications
2SC3901 ,PNP / NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR SILICON TRANSISTORSOrdering numbeszN 2105APNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon TransistorsSwitching Applications(with Bia ..
2SC3902 ,NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon TransistorsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating UniCV ollector-to-Bas ..
2SC3904 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C ± 3°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitCollector-ba ..
2SC3906K , High breakdown voltage.Collector-base voltage VCBO 120 V
2SC3906K , High breakdown voltage.Collector-base voltage VCBO 120 V
2SC3912 ,NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors Switching Applications (With Bias Resistance)Ordering number:ENN2159BPNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors2SA1518/2SC3912Switching Applic ..
Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process) Power Amplifier Applications Voltage Amplifier Applications
2SA1202 TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT process)
2SA1202 Power Amplifier Applications
Voltage Amplifier Applications Suitable for driver of 30 to 35 watts audio amplifier Small flat package PC = 1.0 to 2.0 W (mounted on ceramic substrate) Complementary to 2SC2882
Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) Note 1: Mounted on ceramic substrate (250 mm2 × 0.8 t)
Unit: mm
Weight: 0.05 g (typ.)