2N7002L ,Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 VoltsMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
2N7002-L ,Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGSV R MAX I MAX(BR)DSS DS(on) DRating Symbol Value UnitDrain−Source Voltage V 60 Vdc7. ..
2N7002LT1 ,N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENTTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS& PIN ASSIGNMENTCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit 3DrainTotal Device Dissipatio ..
2N7002LT1G ,Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 VoltsMAXIMUM RATINGSV R MAX I MAX(BR)DSS DS(on) DRating Symbol Value UnitDrain−Source Voltage V 60 Vdc7. ..
2N7002LT1G-- ,Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 VoltsTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS& PIN ASSIGNMENTCharacteristic Symbol Max Unit 3DrainTotal Device Dissipatio ..
2N7002LT3G ,Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 VoltsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS2.0 1.01.8 V = 10 VT = 25°CDSA25°C-55°C1.6 V = 10 V 0.8GS125°C1.4 9 V1.2 ..
2SC3300 , isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor
2SC3303 ,TO-251 Plastic-Encapsulate Biploar TransistorsApplications Unit: mmDC-DC Converter
2SC3306 ,POWER TRANSISTORS(10A,400V,100W)APPLICATIONS.1.04.5Excellent Switching Times: tr=1.0,us (Maxi tf=i.b,us (Max.) (1025A)High Collecto ..
2SC3307 ,Silicon NPN Power Transistors TO-3PL packageAPPLICATIONS 20.5MAX. 33:02HIGH SPEED DC-DC CONVERTER
2SC3309 ,Silicon NPN Power Transistors TO-220Fa packageFEATURES:. Excellent, Switching Timestr= I. osaiax. I, tf= l. O#s(Max. ) at Ic=0.8A. High Collector ..
2SC3310 ,Silicon NPN Power Transistors TO-220Fa packageFEATURES:. Excellent Switching Timest tr=1. Ous(Max. ), tf=1. 0msOfax. ) at Ic=4A. High 'Collector ..
Small Signal MOSFET 115 mA, 60 Volts
Small Signal MOSFET
60 V, 115 mA, N−Channel SOT−23
Features Pb−Free Packages are Available
MAXIMUM RATINGSMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (not
normal operating conditions) and are not valid simultaneously. If these limits are
exceeded, device functional operation is not implied, damage may occur and
reliability may be affected.
THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS The Power Dissipation of the package may result in a lower continuous drain
current. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 �s, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0%. FR−5 = 1.0 x 0.75 x 0.062 in. Alumina = 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.025 in 99.5% alumina.