SST4119 ,N-Channel JFET General Purpose AmplifierS-04028—Rev. F, 04-Jun-017-4A – Voltage Gain I – Drain Current ( A) I – Drain Current ( A)VD DC – I ..
SST4391 ,N-Channel JFET SwitchS-04028—Rev. F, 04-Jan-017-3I – Saturation Drain Current (mA)DSS2N/PN/SST4391 SeriesVishay Siliconi ..
SST4392 ,N-Channel JFET SwitchS-04028—Rev. F, 04-Jan-017-4r – Drain-Source On-Resistance ( Ω )Switching Time (ns)r – Drain-Source ..
SST4393 ,N-Channel JFET Switch2N/PN/SST4391 SeriesVishay SiliconixN-Channel JFETs2N4391 PN4391 SST43912N4392 PN4392 SST43922N4393 ..
SST4393 ,N-Channel JFET Switchfeatures many of the superior The 2N series hermetically-sealed TO-206AA (TO-18) can ischaracterist ..
SST4401 , NPN Medium Power Transistor (Switching)
STK3042III ,2ch 40-60W audio power amplifierSANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP " D " ?‘197075 001].“in [JTLI ITSAJSTK Audio Power AmplifierSTK3042 Ill) S ..
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STK3062III ,Thick Film Hybrid Integrated Circuit 2-channel Voltage Amplifier For 60 to 70W AF Power AmplifierFeatures. The AC amp circuit configuration eliminates the need to use the externalmiddle-point adju ..
STK3102III ,2-Channel Voltage Amplifier for 90 to 100W AF Power Amplifier (Dual Supplies)SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP " D " ?‘197075 001].“in [JTLI ITSAJSTK Audio Power AmplifierSTK3042 Ill) S ..
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N-Channel JFET General Purpose Amplifier
2NIPNISST4117A Series
Vishay Siliconix
N-Channel JFETs
2N4117A PN4117A SST4117
2N4118A PN4118A SST4118
2N4119A PN4119A SST4119
Part Number VGS(off) (V) V(BR)GSS Min (V) gts Min (MS) loss Min (MA)
4117 -0.6 to -1.8 -40 70 30
4118 -1 to -3 -40 80 80
4119 -2 to -6 -A0 100 200
o Ultra-Low Leakage: 0.2 pA o InsigmTcant Signal Loss/Error Voltage q High-lmpedance Transducer
. Very Low Current/Voltage Operation with High-Impedance Source Amplifiers
. Ultrahigh Input Impedance 0 Low Power Consumption (Battery) q Smoke Detector Input
. Low Noise 0 Maximum Signal Output, Low Noise q Infrared Detector Amplifier
q High Sensitivity to Low-Level Signals q Precision Test Equipment
The 2N/PN/SST4117A series of n-channel JFETs provide
ultra-high input impedance. These devices are specified with
a 1-pA limit and typically operate at 0.2 pA. This makes them
perfect choices for use as high-impedance sensitive front-end
The hermetically sealed TO-206AF package allows full
military processing per MlL-S-19500 (see Military
Information). The TO-226A (TO-92) plastic package provides
a Iow-cost option. The TO-236 (SOT-23) package provides
surface-mount capability. Both the PN and SST series are
available in tape-and-reel for automated assembly (see
Packaging Information).
TO-206AF TO-226AA TO-236
(T0-72) (TO-92) (SOT-23)
Top View Top View Top View
2N4117A PN4117A SST4117 (T7)*
2N4118A PN4118A SST4118 (T8)*
2N4119A PN4119A SST4119 (T9)*
For applications information see AN105.
*Marking Code for TO-236
Document Number: 70239
S-04028-Rev. F, 04-Jun-01
2N/PNISST4117A Series
Vishay Siliconix
Gate-Source/Gate-Drain Voltage ........................... -AOV
Forward Gate Current ..l...._....._....._....._.l...... 50 mA
Storage Temperature : (2N Prefix) _.................. -65 to 175°C
(PN, SST Prefix) _............ -55 to 150°C
Operating Junction Temperature :
(2N Prax) _.................. -55 to 175°C
(PN, SST Prefix) _............ -55 to 150°C
Lead Temperature (1/15” from case for 10 sec.) ................... 300°C
Power Dissipation (case 25°C) :
(2N Prerix)a ...................... 300 mW
(PN, SST Prera)b ................ 350 mW
a. Derate 2 mW/°C above 25°C
b. Derate 2.8 le°C above 25°C
4117 4118 4119
Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Typa Min I Max Min Max Min Max Unit
Gate-Source - - -
Breakdown Voltage V(BR)GSS ks - -1 “A , VDS - O V 70 -A0 -A0 -40 V
Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage VGS(ofr) Vos = 10 V, ID = 1 nA -0li -1 .8 -1 -3 -2 -6
Saturation Drain Current loss VDs = 10 V, VGS = 0 V 30 90 80 240 200 600 MA
VGS = -20 V
VDS = 0 v -0.2 -1 -1 -1 pA
Vss = -20 v 2N
VDs = 0 V -0.4 Al.5 -2 5 -2.5 nA
TA = 150°C
Gate Reverse Current Isss
VGS = -10 v PN -0.2 -1 -1 -1 pA
Vos = 0 V SST -0.2 -10 -10 -10
VGS = -1 0 V
VDS = 0 V PN/SST AJ.03 -2.5 -2 5 -2.5 nA
TA = 100°C
Gate Operating Currentb IG VDG = 15 V, ID = 30 1A -0.2
Drain Cutoff Currentb |D(0ff) VDS = 10 V, VGS = -8 V (h2 p
Gate-Source Forward Voltageb VGS(F) ks = 1 mA , VDS = 0 V th? V
Common-Source g 70 210 80 250 100 330
Forward Transconductance fs - -
Vrs--10V,Vss=0V [d?
Common-Source f: 1 kHz 3 5 10
Output Conductance gos
Common-Source Ch 2N/PN 1.2 3 3 3
Input Capacitance ISS Vros = 10 V SST 1.2
VGS = 0 V pF
Common-Source C f-- 1 MHz 2N/PN (h3 1.5 1.5 1.5
Reverse Transfer Capacitance rss SST Od?
. . - V = 10 V V = 0 V nV/
b DS , GS i
Equivalent Input Noise Voltage en f= 1 kHz 15 \IHZ
a. Typical values are for DESIGN AID ONLY, not guaranteed nor subject to production testing. NT
b. This parameter not registered with JEDEC.
Document Number: 70239
S-04028-Reu. F, 04-Jun-01
Vishay Siliconix
Drain Current and Transconductance
vs. Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage Gate Leakage Current
1000 300 1 nA = I I =
lross@VDs=10V,Vss--0V E l l l I 100mA/Z
i 'lt Ries = 10 V, N/cs = 0 V :3 - VGaoit) = -2.5 V -
= z I _ -
2f 800 240 TI ’7-
g i 100 PA = 10 A =
g a a, -" a-- 125°C m IGss@ 125°C -
O o. m -
E 600 180 :4 Q - I
E 8 I' - 100 A
O -l m
c g 93 10 pA = =
3 a 8 E E
2 400 120 E I _- 10 mA -
lis' n: _o - ' N /
20 ff.1.'ss 1pA = Iess@25°c I A" =
fl 200 60 E) I " I
0 0 0.1 pA
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 6 12 18 24 30
Vesmm - Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage (V) Vos - Drain-Gate Voltage (V)
On-Resistance and Output Conductance Common-Source Forward Transconductance
vs. Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage vs. Drain Current
15 5 200
a VGS(off) = -2.5 V
g 4 ti' S, 160
Iii I 8
8 f? 5 TA = -55t
LF 6 g
8 3 'i, f? 120
u? 2 a _ 80
' :1 E
a JI', it
I E) fl
liz," ms@lu=10mA,Vss=0V 1 v I 40
W gos@VDs=10V,VGs=0V g-;
J? f= 1 kHz
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0.01 0.1 1
Vrmoit) - Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage (V) ID - Drain Current (mA)
Output Characteristics Output Characteristics
100 500
Vssom = -O.7 V VGsor) = -2.5 V
80 400
g 60 g 300
.5 40 E 200
.2: .3:
20 100
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
Vos - Drain-Source Voltage (V) 1/ros - Drain-Source Voltage (V)
Document Number: 70239 www.vishay.com
S-04028-Rev. F, 04-Jun-01 7-3
2N/PNISST4117A Series
Vishay Siliconix
Es 200
Transfer Characteristics
vesm = 4.7 v Vos = 10 v
TA-- 125°C
Ah2 -0.4 Ah6 Ah8
Vss - Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Transfer Characteristics
VGsom = -2.5 V Vos = 10 V
-1 -2 -3 -4
Vss - Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Circuit Voltage Gain vs. Drain Current
git RL
Assume VDD = 15 V, I/os = 5 V
Vsaom = -0.7 V
ID - Drain Current (mA)
gfs — Fon/vard Transconductance (“8)
91:5 — Forward Transconductance (p8)
Ciss— Input Capacitance (pF)
Transconductance vs. Gate-Source Voltage
VGSW = Ah? v Vros = 10 v
f=1 kHz
TA = -5r'C
0 Ah2 -0.4 Ah6 -0.8 -r0
Vss - Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Transconductance vs. Gate-Source Voltage
VGS(off) = -2.5 V Vos =10 V
f= 1 kHz
TA = -55c'C
180 25°C
0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Vss - Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Common-Source Input Capacitance
vs. Gate-Source Voltage
0 -4 -8 -1 2 -16 -20
Vas - Gate-Source Voltage (V)
Document Number: 70239
S-04028-Reu. F, 04-Jun-01
Vishay Siliconix
Common-Source Reverse Feedback Capacitance
0 5 vs. Gate-Source Voltage 200 Equivalent Input Noise Voltage vs. Frequency
f=1MHz VDS=10V
8 0.4 "Iii"' 160
p, "s.
8 0.3 si's', 120
g 0.2 > 80
'el', 2
it 1 $ 40
n: 0. NJ
O -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 10 100 1k 10k
Vas - Gate-Source Voltage (V) f- Frequency (Hz)
Output Conductance vs. Drain Current On-Resistance vs. Drain Current
Vsson = -0.7 V
VGS(off) = -2.5 V
TA = -55''C
N, 25°C
90s — Output Conductance (p8)
rDS(on) — Drain-Source On-Resistance ( Q )
0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1
ID - Drain Current (mA) ID - Drain Current (mA)
Document Number: 70239 www.vishay.com
S-04028-Rev. F, 04-Jun-01 7-5