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TC75S56F-TC75S56FE-TC75S56FU Fast Delivery,Good Price
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TC75S56FTOSHIBAN/a3000avaiSingle Comparator
TC75S56FETOSHIBAN/a4000avaiSingle Comparator
TC75S56FUTOSHIBAN/a78000avaiSingle Comparator

TC75S56FU ,Single ComparatorTC75S56F/FU/FE TOSHIBA CMOS Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC75S56F,TC75S56FU,TC75S ..
TC75S57F ,Single ComparatorFeatures  Low-current power supply : I = 100 µA (typ.) DD Single power supply operation TC75S5 ..
TC75S57FE ,Single ComparatorElectrical Characteristics (unless otherwise specified, V  5 V, V  GND, Ta  25°C)DD SS ..
TC75S57FU ,Single ComparatorFeatures  Low-current power supply : I = 100 µA (typ.) DD Single power supply operation TC75S5 ..
TC75S57FU ,Single ComparatorTC75S57F/FU/FE TOSHIBA CMOS Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TC75S57F,TC75S57FU,TC75S ..
TC75S58AFC , CMOS Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic
TDA1591/V3 ,TDA1591; PLL stereo decoder and noise blanker
TDA1591/V3 ,TDA1591; PLL stereo decoder and noise blanker
TDA1592 ,PLL stereo decoder and noise blanker
TDA1592T/V1 ,TDA1592; PLL stereo decoder and noise blanker
TDA1592T/V1 ,TDA1592; PLL stereo decoder and noise blanker
TDA1593 ,IF amplifier/demodulator for FM car radio receivers

Single Comparator
TC75S56F/FU/FE TOSHIBA CMOS Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic

Single Comparator
The TC75S56F/TC75S56FU/TC75S56FE is a CMOS general-
purpose single comparator. The device can operate off a single
power supply and draws a lower supply current than a
conventional bipolar general-purpose comparator. This device’s
push-pull output stage can be directly connected to TTL or CMOS
logic ICs, among others.
Low-current power supply : IDD = 10 µA (typ.) Single power supply operation Wide common mode input voltage range : VSS~VDD − 0.9 V Push-pull output circuit Low input bias current Small package
Marking (top view) Pin Connection (top view)

SSOP5-P-0.95 : 0.014 g (typ.)
SSOP5-P-0.65A : 0.006 g (typ.)
SON5-P-0.50 : 0.003 g (typ.) 5 1 2
IN (�)
IN (�)
ic,good price

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