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MAX4193CPA-MAX4193CSA-MAX4193EPA Fast Delivery,Good Price
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MAX4193CPAMAXIM ?N/a50avaiCMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching Regulator
MAX4193CSAMAXN/a1800avaiCMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching Regulator
MAX4193EPAN/a20avaiCMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching Regulator
MAX4193EPAMAXIM ?N/a120avaiCMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching Regulator

MAX4193CSA ,CMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (+Vs = HMV, Ts = +25° c, Ic = 6.0PA, unless otherwise noted) opera ..
MAX4193EPA ,CMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (+Vs = HMV, Ts = +25° c, Ic = 6.0PA, unless otherwise noted) opera ..
MAX4193EPA ,CMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (+Vs = HMV, Ts = +25° c, Ic = 6.0PA, unless otherwise noted) opera ..
MAX4194ESA ,Micropower / Single-Supply / Rail-to-Rail / Precision Instrumentation AmplifiersMAX4194–MAX419719-1468; Rev 0; 4/99Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail, Precision Instrumentati ..
MAX4194ESA+ ,Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail, Precision Instrumentation AmplifiersMicropower, Single-Supply,MAX4194–MAX4197Rail-to-Rail, PrecisionInstrumentation Amplifiers
MAX4194ESA+T ,Micropower, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail, Precision Instrumentation AmplifiersGeneral Description Benefits and
MAX806TESA ,3.0V or 3.3V microprocessor supervisory circuit. Reset threshold 3.075V. Active-low reset. Manual reset input. Backup-battery switch. Power-fail threshold accuracy +-2%. Power-fail comparator. Reset window +-2%General Description ________
MAX807LCPE ,Full-featured microprocessor supervisory circuit with +-1.5% reset accuracy. Reset threshold (typ) 4.675VELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 4.60V to 5.5V for the MAX807L, V = 4.50V to 5.5V for the MAX807N, V ..
MAX807LCPE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyFeaturesThe MAX807 microprocessor (µP) supervisory circuit♦ Precision 4.675V (MAX807L), 4.425V (MAX ..
MAX807LCUE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 4.60V to 5.5V for the MAX807L, V = 4.50V to 5.5V for the MAX807N, V ..
MAX807LCWE ,Full-featured microprocessor supervisory circuit with +-1.5% reset accuracy. Reset threshold (typ) 4.675VMAX807L/M/N19-0433; Rev 0; 9/95Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with±1.5% Reset Accuracy_______ ..
MAX807LCWE+ ,Full-Featured µP Supervisory Circuit with ±1.5% Reset AccuracyApplicationsV BATTCC 314ComputersWDI4 MAX807 13 BATT ONControllersGND CE IN5 12Intelligent Instrume ..

CMOS Micropower Step-UP Switching Regulator
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CMO$ Micropawer
StepOp $wltchlng Hagula tor
General Doecrlptlon
Maxim's MAX630 and MAX4193 CMOS DC-DC
regulators are designed for simple, Bttit%nt,' minimum
size DC-DC converter circuits in the 5 milliwatt to 5
Watt range. The MAX630 and MAX4193 provide all
control and power handling functions in a compact
8 pln package: a 1.31V bandgap reference, an
oscillator, a voltage comparator, and a 375mA
N-channel output MOSFET. A comparator is also pro-
vlded for low battery detection.
Operating current is only 70PA and is nearly inde-
pendent of output swltch current or duty cycle. A
logic level input shuts down the regulator to less
than IPA quiescent current Low current operation
ensures high efficiency even in low power battery
operated systems. The MAX630 and MAX4193 are
compatible wlth most battery voltages, operating
from 2.0V to 16.5V.
The devices are pin compatible with the Raytheon
bipolar circuits, RC4191/2/3. while providing signifi-
cantly Improved efficiency and low voltage operation.
Maxim also manufactures the MAX631, MAX632, and
MAX633 DC-DC converters which reduce the ex-
ternal component count In fixed output 5V, 12V, and
15V Clrcuits. See Table 2 on the last page ot this data
sheet tor a summary of other Maxim DC-DC
Appllca (Ions
+5V to +15V DC-DC Converters
High Efficiency Battery Powered
DC-DC Converters
+3V to +5V DC-DC Converters
9V Battery Life Extension
Unlnterruptible 5V Power Supplies
5mW to 5 Watt Switch-mode Power
Pin Configuration
Top Vlew
ch 1236's EN
u E MAx4193 E] it
. ngh EtfhSsettty-eih 1ypleal
. 100A Wed Oporatlng Currant
. IPA Maximum Ouluomt Current
0 2.0 to 18.5V Operation
0 525m (Peak) Onboard Drive Capability
. $1.596 Output Voltage Amway (MAX630)
t Low Battery Detector
. Compact 8 pm Mlnl-DIP and 80 Package
t Pin Compatible With RC4191/2/3
Ordering Information
MAX630CPA tPC to +70°C a LeJPlasuc DIP
MAX630GSA tPC to r7ty'C a Lead Small Outllne
MAX630CJA tPC to +70°C a Lead CERDIP
MAX630EPA 40°C to +85°C a Lead Plastic DIP
MAX630ESA 40°C to +8tPC a Lead Small Outline
MAxasoEJA -40''C to +as°c a Lead canon:
MAX630MJA -5tPC to +125°C 8 Lead CERDIP
MAX4193C/D tPC to +70°C Dice
MAX4193CPA 0°C to +70°c a Lead Plastic DIP
MAXMQSCSA 0°C to +7070 0 Lead Small Outline
MAX41930JA 0°C to +70°c a Lead CERDIP
MAX4193EPA -40''C to +85°c a Land Plastic MP
MAX4193ESA -40°C to are a Lead Small Outline
MAX4193EJA -40°c to are a Lead CERDIP
MAX4193MJA -55°C to +125°C a Lead cenmp
Typical Oporatlng Circuit
sun E E] +Vs W 4. =
+5V to +15V Convener
IVI A X I IVI Maxim Integrated Products
MAXIM is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
cam Mlcropower
$top-Up 4hvftethhttRetrufator
Supply Voltage ....................... ' ............ 18V
Storage Temperature Range ............... AilPC to +180°C
Lead Tamporatura (Soldering, 10 seconds) ........... +300°C
Opnratlng Temperature Range
MAX830C, MAX4193C ..................... IPC to "trc
MAX630E,MAX4193E ................... 40°C to +85°C
MAX830M, MAX4193M ................. -55° C to +125°C
Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (derate 6.25mW/°C above 50°C) ........ 468mW
Small Outline (derate 5.8BmWPC above MPC) ...... 441mW
CERDIP- (dame 8. 33mWPC above 6tPC) .......... saamw
Input Voltage (Pins1, 2, 6, 7) ............. -o. 3V to +Vs +0. 3V
OutputVtltagp, Lland'LBD .............. - ............ 18V
Lx Output Current. ......... '. . . ., . . 525mA Peak
LBD Odibut Current ........... I ............. T .Trr9FnA
8mm! noon thou Ilstod undar 'Absolula Maximum Ratings" Inly cauu palmanonl damage to the duvico. Than arc stress raring; onlf and functional
operation of (no dnvlco u than or any other condirlons lbova those indicated in the operational section: of the specification: In no imp
ied. Exposure to
lbaoluto mulmum ratings conditions tor oxtnndad pcrloda may affettt device ra/Iabiliiy.
tHts-- - 9thf, Ts-- +25'C. le-- 6. OpA. unless otherwise noted)
Range (NOE 2) I F0
Operating 2.0 16.5 2.4 16.5
Supply Voltage +Vs Start-up 1.8 V
Internal Reference Voltage Vrtsr 1.29 1.31 1.33 1.24 1.31 1.38 V
Switch Current 'sw a" 400mv 75 150 15 150 mA
Supply Current (at Pin 5) Is It: OmA 70 125 90 uA
Efficiency 85 85 %
Line Regulation (Note 1) 0.5Vo< Vs < Vo 0.08 0.2 0.08 0.5 96 Vour
Land Regulation (Note 1) Vs -- os1/, Plow _ o io 159nm: 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 % Pour
Operating Frequtmcy 0.1 40, 75 0.1 25 75 kHz
Reference Set Internal
Pulldown Resistance RIC Va = Vs
0.5 1.5 10 0.5 IS 10 un
Reference Set Input
Voltage Threshold VIc 0.2 0.8 1.3 0.2 0.8 1.3 V
Switch Current 'sw Vs = 1.0V 100 100 mA
Switch Leakage Current 'co Va '. 16.5V 0.01 1.0 0.01 5.0 “A
Supply Current (Shut Down) Iso lc< 0.01uA 0.01 1.0 0.01 5.0 M
Low Battery Bias Current ILBR 0.01 10 0.01 10 nA
Capacitor Charging Current lex 30 30 “A
c, . Threshold Voltage +vS - 0 1 NS - 0.1 V
C, - Threshold Voltage 0.1 0.1 V
VFa Input Bias Current Irts 0.01 10 0.01 10 nA
Low Battery Detector = 0.4V,
Output Current lun, v, = 1.1V 250 600 250 600 psA
Low Battery Detector IIs =16.5V.
Output Leakage Goo V. = 1.4V 0.01 5.0 th01 5.0 “A
Nola 1: Guaranteed by correlation with DC pulse measurements. .
Note 2: The operating frequency range is guaranteed by design and vtrritittd with sample testing.
2 M]! It IM
ic,good price

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