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KNA2105038VA KYOCERA N/a 500

KO3401 , P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
KOI-6002A , IR Transceiver Module
KOM2125 , NEU: 2fach-Silizium-PIN-Fotodiode in SMT NEW: 2-Chip Silicon PIN Photodiode in SMT
KOM2125FA , 2fach-Silizium-PIN Fotodiode in SMT
KP-100 ,Pressure Sensors
L4008V6 , Sensitive Triacs (0.8 A to 8 A)
L4008V8 , Sensitive Triacs (0.8 A to 8 A)
L401E3 , Sensitive Triacs (0.8 A to 8 A)
ic,good price

TEL:86-533-2716050      FAX:86-533-2716790