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Home ›  772 > 74ABT244PW,Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)
74ABT244PW Fast Delivery,Good Price
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74ABT244PWPHIN/a505avaiOctal buffer/line driver (3-State)
74ABT244PWPHILIPSN/a1880avaiOctal buffer/line driver (3-State)

74ABT244PW ,Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)
74ABT244PW ,Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)
74ABT245 ,Octal Bi-Directional Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputs
74ABT245 ,Octal Bi-Directional Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputsapplications. Current sinking capability is 64 mA on bothcapability of 32 mAthe A and B ports. The ..
74ABT245CMSA ,Octal Bi-Directional Transceiver with 3-STATE Outputsapplications. Current sinking capability is 64 mA on bothcapability of 32 mAthe A and B ports. The ..
74ABT245CMSA ,Octal Bi-Directional Transceiver with 3-STATE OutputsFeaturesThe ABT245 contains eight non-inverting bidirectional buff-

Octal buffer/line driver (3-State)
ic,good price

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